1549 King Street North, P.O. Box 239, St. Jacobs, Ontario, N0B 2N0   |   416-364-8576
1549 King Street North, P.O. Box 239, St. Jacobs, Ontario, N0B 2N0   |   416-364-8576

7 ways infographics improve SEO

Good content drives search results. And visually oriented pieces, like infographics, are particularly strong content because they combine the power of copy with the optical appeal of bold, graphic imagery.

Infographics tell a story in a unique way, often distilling down a complicated topic to the most important ideas and explaining them with key visual identifiers. Infographics are bold. They are interesting. They share relevant information. And most importantly, they attract audiences.

The key to creating visual content that people will want to read – and share – is to start with a topic that relates to their interests and/or industry. Then, use vector, illustrations, icons, images etc. to create a storyline and narrative.

When done well, the result is a cohesive, visual content piece that can be shared on multiple platforms – from your website to social media and even, if submitted, on other media or publication’s sites.

Easily-distracted audiences appreciate being able to quickly skim an infographic, and effortlessly take in information that interests them. In turn, they may spend more time on your site or page, and further engage with your brand. Including a strong call to action (CTA) at the end of a piece can even lead to a conversion.

Online traffic, engagement and sales are all enhanced by strong visual marketing, and in the realm of thought leadership, audiences especially value and are prone to distribute infographic pieces or series.

At Mayk, our specialty infographics combine custom, creative design with strategic (but minimal) copy to tell a highly-appealing, visual story. Whether you’re simplifying complex topics, sharing tips and resources or promoting the benefits of a product or service, let our infographics do the talking.

See our infographic below, for some of the key reasons why infographics are an essential SEO-boosting content tool.